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KuriharaTea’s gyokuro and sencha package translations

Ian |

The Kurihara family uses the below package for their teas. Matcha Latte Media indicates which tea is in the package by placing a note on the bottom of the back side. The below is a translation of exactly what is on the package of the gyokuro and sencha teas.

Front side Japanese

ふくおか奥八女 – Fukuoka Okuyame (i.e. the Okuyame region of Fukuoka Prefecture)
媛茶物語 – Himecha monogatari – The story of the tea of the princess
Bottom: 栗原製茶 – Kurihara Seicha

Back side Japanese

Lefthand portion of the back:
わが国最古の歴史書『日本書紀』(720年編)によると、九州を巡幸された景行天皇が、矢部村の方角を指し、「東の美しい山々に神はいるか」と問われ、懸主が「女神あり。名を “八女津媛”という。」と答えこれが「八女」の地名の起こりであると記されています。

Story of “Hime-cha”
According to the Nihon Shoki (720), the Chronicles of Japan, while Emperor Keiko was traveling in the Kyushu region he pointed to the direction of Yabe-mura and asked, “are there gods in the beautiful mountains of the east?” Then the territorial ruler answered, “there is a goddess named Yametsu-hime.” It is said that this is the origin of the name Yame.
Yabe-mura, Kami-no-iwaya (god’s cave) district of Okuyame region surrounded by the mountains is where the Yame Shrine stands. Tea produced in the land where the hime (princess in Japanese) became goddess is named “Hime-cha” (cha meaning tea). The morning mist, settle wind, and the fresh spring water makes the beautiful nature and soil. “Human-friendly, body-friendly, and environmental-friendly” is the motto for our tea production that has been passed on for four generations in the Okuyame region. And “Hime-cha Monogatari (Hime-cha story)” incorporates all these feelings and history of the tea producers. Please enjoy the flavor and taste cultivated by people and nature.

The post KuriharaTea’s gyokuro and sencha package translations appeared first on YUNOMI.