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Tea Discoveries Club March 2014

Ian |

Tea Discoveries Club
The Tea Discoveries Club this month featured these sencha teas from 3rd generation tea farmers, the Kurihara brothers from the remote mountains of Yame, Fukuoka Prefecture in Southern Japan:

  1. Standard Sencha
  2. Superior Sencha Hime Kaori
  3. Imperial Sencha Hime Shizuku

UPDATE: The coupon included in your shipment is now good for all the teas available from these suppliers, not only the specific tea included in the shipment. Please let me know if you are unable to find it.

We’d love to hear feedback from you on these teas! Please send your comments to us below. If you do not want these comments to be used as public testimonials, please put in [[double brackets]]. Otherwise, these comments may be used (your first name and country will be credited) on the product pages, and may be translated into Japanese to share with the farmers. Thank you very much!

The post Tea Discoveries Club March 2014 appeared first on YUNOMI.