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What is Kinako and How to Enjoy It

What is Kinako and How to Enjoy It

Sachiko Murata |

What is kinako?

Kinako is a yellow flour made by grinding roasted soy beans used in Japanese cuisine for many years. Kinako, it is said, was loved by the aristocrats in the Heian Period  (AD794-1185), and in the Edo Period (AD1603-1868) it spread right across Japan. People enjoyed it with mochi (rice cake) as the photo shown below. Nowadays, people still enjoy kinako with mochi like people in the Edo Period, besides, enjoying it with drinks, other cakes or ice cream.  


Mochi (rice cakes) with kinako 


What is about the flavor and nutrition?

Kinako has a warm, nutty flavor similar to that of peanuts. The beany-flavor of soybeans is removed by the roasting process, and a nice fragrance is added. In addition to the nice flavor, kinako contains many health benefits from soybeans. Soybeans are high in protein, also high in dietary fiber, soy isoflavones, vitamin B, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. This is why kinako is also known as super food. 


Where to get kinako

It's probably difficult for you to buy kinako products in your home town, so I recommend you to buy a packet of kinako online or at an Asian grocery store,  which is usually called "roasted soy bean flour" in English. A packet of kinako will add a Japanese twist to your food life. 

We have two types of kinako packets in our web shop. 

Kinako (Hokkaido-grown soybeans) 

Kinako with Black Sesame   

How to enjoy kinako in your food life

  • With your drinks

You can put it into your drinks. Kinako goes well with any type of milk. Add a tablespoon of kinako into your favourite hot milk. Taking about myself, I drink hot soy milk with kinako, chicory coffee and a pinch of cinnamon every morning. Adding some to a smoothie is also nice.

  • As toppings

Having oats or yogurt with kinako are also good options. Kinako goes well with banana, too. Yogurt with banana, kinako and maple syrup could be a staple breakfast for you! Sprinkling it on toast with butter and honey is also delicious too. 

In this recipe below, kinako is used as a topping for tofu dessert.  

Tofu Dessert, 豆花(Douhua) Recipe


  • Making a traditional Japanese sweet

Try this recipe if you feel like having a traditional Japanese sweet. It might look difficult to make, but it is easy making sweet and with simple ingredients.  

Warabi Mochi with Wasanbon Sugar Recipe


  • With your baking 

It is a low-carb and gluten free alternative to what flour. Replace 15-20% of the whole flour. You can experiment putting it more if you like. 

Here is a recipe for granola bars. 

Kinako & Matcha Granola Bars Recipe (gluten free, vegan)

Please let us know how you enjoy it.

Enjoy kinako in your life!! 



Today's Recommendations 

kinako (roasted soy bean flour)

Kyo no Kanbutsuya: Kinako (Hokkaido-grown soybeans), Kyo no Kanbutsuya  

Kinako Soybean flour with Black Sesame   


Traditional Japanese Ingredients Articles 

What is Kudzu powder and How to Enjoy It 

What is Koji and What Makes it so Special?

What is Shiratama Flour and How is It Used? 

What is Red Shiso (Perilla) and How to Enjoy it



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