Kuromame-cha (Black Soybean Tea) Latte Recipe
Delicious, nutritious, caffeine-free, and sure to be a perfect drink for a cold morning. Looks like bubble tea? In fact, these black ones are not tapioca balls. They are kuromame...
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Delicious, nutritious, caffeine-free, and sure to be a perfect drink for a cold morning. Looks like bubble tea? In fact, these black ones are not tapioca balls. They are kuromame...
The New Year has started! The first tea I'll show you in 2025 is tea with kuromame as this is deeply related to a New Year's celebrations in Japan. ...
Haluaisin esitellä jälkiruoan nimeltä豆花 (Douhua) , joka on kiinalainen jälkiruoka, joka on valmistettu pehmeästä tofusta (papurahka) ja siirapista. Tein sen japanilaiseen tyyliin. Se on herkullista, kevyttä ja terveellistä. Et voi...