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Kuriharan veljekset – 4. sukupolven teenviljelijät

The Kurihara Brothers – 4th generation tea farmers -

Asako Inoue |

Kuriharan veljekset Akio ja Yuji ovat neljännen sukupolven teenviljelijöitä, jotka ovat ottaneet vallan isältään Kippei Kuriharalta. Yamen kaupunginvaltuutettuna heidän isänsä on erittäin arvostettu Yamecha-yhteisössä Fukuokan prefektuurissa, ja Akiolla ja Yujilla on isot kengät täytettävänä!

Akio vastaa varsinaisesta maanviljelystä, kun taas vanhempi veli Yuji vastaa liiketoiminnasta. Osoitteessa vie maatilakysymyksemme Akiolle, neuvottele hinnoista ja keskustele strategiasta Yujin kanssa.

2 kommenttia

Kurihara tea farm: Their fertilizer is locally produced from resources such as rice bran, grass cuttings and oil cake. It is developed based on the fertilization approaches provided by agricultural cooperatives and labs (testing stations). The Kurihara tea garden uses compost as their foundation, also spreading rice straw and kaya on their tea fields to create carefully enriched soil. Pesticides are never used, unless they are concerned about pests that cause serious damage. Pesticides are never used on the tea leaves that their customers consume/drink. Although there are a lot of weeds growing in the tea fields, they don’t use any herbicides, and although it’s expensive, they take care of the weeds with the help of local women. Thanks to the help of many, on their tea fields, they feel like they are walking on a fluffy carpet. 
We hope this information is helpful.

moé ,

Does the Kurihara tea farm use fertilizers / pesticides?
Thanks for your help.


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