Kunitomo Tea Garden
#0446.K4 Kunitomo: Riguricha Choshunka - The Ancient Rose - Handpicked Kamairicha 長春花
下限 JPY ¥1,590単価 /在庫切れ在庫あり (5個)Kunitomo Tea Garden
#0447.K4 Kunitomo: Riguricha Mitsuranko - The Honey Orchid - Wild, Handpicked Kamairicha りぐり茶 蜜蘭香
下限 JPY ¥2,500単価 /在庫切れ在庫あり (13個)Kunitomo Tea Garden
#0449.K4 - Kunitomo: Aged Riguricha Yotanbo - Tea Drunk - Handpicked Oolong Kamairicha
下限 JPY ¥1,200単価 /在庫切れKunitomo Tea Garden
下限 JPY ¥1,499単価 /在庫切れKunitomo Tea Garden
下限 JPY ¥800単価 /在庫切れKunitomo Tea Garden
#0584.K4 Kunitomo: Riguricha Kai - Handpicked Kamairicha
下限 JPY ¥700単価 /在庫切れ在庫あり (22個)