
Professional's Guide to Japanese Tea

  • 2016 Statistics on Tea Production in Japan - Yunomi.life

    2016 Statistics on Tea Production in Japan

    The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has just released data on 2016 production of tea in Japan. PDF report can be downloaded here (Japanese only):http://www.maff.go.jp/j/tokei/kouhyou/sakumotu/sakkyou_kome/attach/pdf/index-11.pdf Excel data (Japanese only)...

  • Japan's tea production volume and area - Yunomi.life

    Japan's tea production volume and area

    Year Area (hectares) Total production (tons; dry, unrefined leaf) Ooicha (shaded teas; tons) Sencha (tons) Tamaryokucha (tons) Bancha (tons) Others (tons) 2011 46200 82100 5840 53400 2200 18700 1890 2012...