<海外のご友人へのプレゼントをお探しですか? 90カ国以上に発送実績がある当店にお任せください!>

🌸 在庫品一掃SALE

Gourmet Japanese Food Market

Gourmet Japanese Food Market


Gourmet Salts & Seasonings, Specialty Dried Foods from Japan. This collection of products is a work in progress. If there is something rare that you are searching for, please feel free to email us at support@yunomi.life to request that we investigate producers and products.

Dashi (Japanese broth) Garnishings Salts Seaweed

Banner image credit: Nana / PIXTA(ピクスタ)

Gourmet Japanese Food Market

  • 現在、在庫切れで購入が不可能です。取り寄せできるかどうかご相談してください。

    Okinawa Sea Salt Lab

    Awaguni Gourmet Sea Salt 粟国の塩

    JPY ¥1,299

比較 /3
